Part “B” Question 3

a. What is your intended goal and why? (3 marks)

My intended goal for Chord Central Windsor is to establish a general hub for music enthusiasts and music lovers to come together and enjoy all types of different music and sounds. At Chord Central Windsor, anyone of any gender or race can shop and enjoy the calming atmosphere which we provide to our community. We want to become a place where people can come and talk with each other and share their interests without being judged or shamed. We want to achieve this because at Chord Central Windsor, we believe that fostering a sense of community among locals will help drive people to shop with us and join our community of music lovers.

b. Who are you writing for and why? (3 marks)

    I am writing for people who are willing to buy, sell, and trade their vinyl records. These people are typically music lovers who have a deep appreciation for music and are very passionate about discovering new, innovative sounds. These people enjoy connecting with other like-minded people to share similar interests because they enjoy being around a community to get a sense of familiarity. This is the people which I intend to write for because these people are most likely to engage and share their discussions with others.

    c. What type of “Experience” will you be creating for the visitors? Please explain and justify your reasoning. (2 marks)

    The experience which I will be creating for visitors will be one in which when people visit the site, they will realize they can find everything they are looking for on the website. The website will be a place in which people feel welcome to browse and explore. The forum of our community members will be quick to help out with any music-related questions and be willing to engage on any music-related topic. On the website, anyone would be able to buy, sell, and trade with anyone else in order to get what they are exactly looking for. This is important in creating this atmosphere because people need to feel welcome when they visit the website so that they can have a calm and relaxing time exploring our catalog. A community-based experience will help the business thrive and grow its website, building trust and credibility among the locals.