PART B – 3. As discussed in class, why do you feel Headlines are so important in web content? Please provide me with an example of a headline you clicked on recently.

Headlines are important in web content because they help draw in the user’s attention and get them to invest their time in the article. A good headline will catch a user’s attention instantly because it uses convincing language and attention-drawing info. A headline which I clicked on recently was “Over 60,000 Volkswagen and Audi electric cars recalled for risk of rollaway.”. The reason I clicked on this headline is that I have recently been looking to get a car and have first been deciding what brand of car I should get, this is important because there are a lot of car brands, and I don’t want to pick a brand which has a bad reputation for faulty mechanics. With that in mind, this headline aligned well with what I was currently looking into and would help educate me on something that I should avoid. I clicked this headline because it used numbers, which were big so that you would notice that it was a considerable number of cars which were called back. Another reason why I clicked on this headline is because I have a lot of friends who drive Volkswagen. This was a convincing headline because it aligned with my personal life and would make me share the article with my friends to help educate them. Also, this headline was not too long and gave good insight into what the article would be about. This is a good quality in a headline and a reason why I clicked it because the headline demonstrated just enough information to catch my attention, but not too long of a headline to where I would lose interest entirely.


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